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Courtly Dances – Double Reed Quintet

ID: SM-000360072
CompositorMike Lyons
EditoraMike Lyons
Ano de composição 2019
Gênero Clássico / Música de Câmara
chave Mi (E) bemol maior
Instrumentação Fagote, Oboé, Corne Inglês, Contrafagote
Composição paraQuinteto
Tipo de composiçãoPartitura completa, Partes
duração 9'11"
movimento(s) 1 para 3 de 3
dificuldade Advanced
descripção Basically it is a set of three dances loosely described as Allemande, Courante and Jygg. Orchestration is for Double Reed quintet 2 oboes, CA, Bassoon, Contrabassoon

The style of the first one is marcato, with a touch of irony! The contra leads with an Alberti pattern followed by the first melodic idea stated on the Bassoon. This motif is eventually taken up by all the instruments. The melody then morphs into a lovely little B-section melody on the Oboe 1 with an obbligato on oboe 2 before the DS. Surprisingly simple, but 3 mins long.

Movement 2 plays on the meaning of courante (running). It's in 3, as courantes were. Each instrument has an important role in keeping the music flowing - even the Contrabassoon and Bassoon. The middle section has a mournful Contra melody with weaving contrapuntal lines from all the others. There's a bridge into the DS and the first section is repeated, leading eventually to the short coda.

Movement 3 is the hardest movement. It's in 9/8 with lots of dynamism. It also has a few modern touches. After the short (2 bars) 12/8 section, there is a Berlioz-esque dance of the witches type of fever about the music. Then DS to fine.
data de postagem 24.05.2019


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