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4. Counting Four Beats - Advanced Intermediate Piano

ID: SM-000344373
CompositorMike Lyons
EditoraMike Lyons
Ano de composição 2018
Gênero Clássico / Instrumental
chave Fá (F) maior
Instrumentação Piano
Composição paraSolo
Tipo de composiçãoFor a single performer
duração 1'37"
movimento(s) 4 para 4 de 21
dificuldade Medium
descripção As part of my new series for easy piano, this piece does what it says on the tin.

Throughout the piece there is always one line that is playing 4 crotchets to each bar, providing a pulse. This only changes at cadences.

The music is in a march style and is one of the more demanding pieces,texturally in this set. This is why I have labelled it as Advanced intermediate.
data de postagem 22.11.2018


Sheet music file
1.50 USD
PDF, 224.9 Kb (4 p.)


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