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Monteverdi Madrigals Book 7 - 03. Non e di gentil core

ID: SM-000326214
CompositorClaudio Monteverdi
Arrajador Mike Lyons
EditoraMike Lyons
Ano de composição 1619
Gênero Clássico / Arranjo
Instrumentação Trombone tenor, Barítono, Corneta Alto, Corneta, Eufónio, Trompa francesa, Trombone, Trombeta, Tuba, Chifre do Tenor, Bass Tuba
Composição paraSexteto
Tipo de composiçãoPartitura completa, Partes
duração 4'36"
movimento(s) 2 para 2 de 20
dificuldade Advanced
descripção At long last I have nearly finished the 7th book. This book has posed some issues as it is such complex music it is almost impossible to cut it down to 5 parts while maintaining its integrity. As a result, some songs (like this one) will be in 6 or more parts.

The seventh book is quite a change from the earlier ones. Monteverdi seems to be concentrating on developing solos and duets, trios and small accompanied ensembles. The accompaniments are often written out with more than just long note chords. The intricate instrumental parts are more than just filling in the harmony (hence the difficulty in paring them down.)

Once again, these songs are exquisitely crafted and travel well onto brass.

"Non e di gentil core" translates as "It is not from a gentle heart"

This song in some ways foreshadows the Madrigals of Love and War. It is a dialogue between two sopranos.
data de postagem 19.02.2018


Arquivo de partitura musica incluindo uma licença para um número ilimitado de apresentaçoes, limitado por um ano
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