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6. Things We Have in Common - Easy Piano

ID: SM-000344375
CompositorMike Lyons
EditoraMike Lyons
Ano de composição 2018
Gênero Clássico / Instrumental
chave Fá (F) maior
Instrumentação Piano
Composição paraSolo
Tipo de composiçãoFor a single performer
duração 1'26"
movimento(s) 6 para 6 de 21
dificuldade Easy
descripção As part of my new series of easy piano pieces, this is another short piece for beginners/intermediate players. It's a simple ditty in Common Time (hence the title) and the LH is mainly 'comping'. In the final statement of the tune, it is in 3rds in the RH to give the music a little more texture.

The tempo in the video does not have to be strictly adhered to so that the player can get used to independent hands by playing it more slowly and building up speed over time.
data de postagem 22.11.2018


Sheet music file
1.50 USD
PDF, 214.5 Kb (4 p.)


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